How to Choose Happy & Cheerful Colors for Your Home

The Five Happiest Colors to Add to Your Home.

Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain. Colors control our metabolism, which in turn is important for our physical well-being. Colors can even increase our appetite and sex drive.

What is Chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy, also known as color therapy, studies the influence that colors have on people’s moods and how we can use them to create harmony in the environment around us.

Certain colors have been studied to affect people psychologically and physiologically. For example, places with warm colors are great for being active and doing activities, and places with cool colors are better for relaxation and concentration. For this reason, it is essential to choose the colors of the rooms of our houses well, especially of the walls since they are the widest and most enveloping surfaces. In addition to the walls, we will have to follow the same color harmony with our furniture, rugs, blankets and decoration accessories.

Joyful orange bedroom

Five Colors to Add Happiness to Your Home

  • White for Clarity: White is a timeless color that helps us feel clarity in our minds. White is the purest tone of all, it adds freshness and peace in the room. Ideal to apply on the walls of the room especially when the room is small. White adds natural light, perfection and self-control. Identified as the color of hygiene and for those seeking new beginnings.
  • Yellow for optimism: Cheerful and stimulating warm color. Lighter yellows make rooms look larger and brighter. It helps promote new ideas and can help us find new ways to solve our problems. It is the best color to create enthusiasm for life, awakening optimism. It helps us concentrate, study and remember information.
  • Green for Peace: Another peaceful and calming hue is green, in addition to bringing freshness to the environment, it can help relieve anxiety and nerves as it is associated with relaxing the nervous system and lowering blood pressure. Green is the combination of blue and yellow, on the one hand it helps us to clarify our ideas and on the other it gives us optimism.
  • Blue for relaxation : Blue gives us the feeling of peace and relaxation. It is the favorite of many and widely used in bedrooms. There are a great variety of shades, most of them give us this impression, except the most vibrant shades of blue such as electric blue for example. Other very dark tones can bring the same effects as black. It is the color of trust, loyalty, honesty. Represents inner security.
  • Orange for joy: The combination of the joy of yellow with the energy of red gives us orange as a result. It is a color that promotes conversation, it is social, warm and welcoming. Being an energetic tone, it gives us emotional strength in difficult times, as it promotes self-confidence. They add energy to the bedroom and their various shades promote creativity.

Choosing Wisely

Color makes us feel things, so yes, the walls of your home should be taking into consideration. The choice of colors should not be a quick decision. Colors have meanings and influence how we feel within a space. You are already under the influence of color and the feelings they invoke. So why not learn how to use these attributes to your advantage?

Bookcase headboard with artworks and decorations in a stylish green bedroom interior with white furniture

Sarah Laurent is a French interior designer passionate about home decor, styling and designing everything from scratch. Sarah worked with some of the well-known furniture brands in France and England, such as Roche Bobois in Paris and Chapel Street in London. Sarah is here to share her knowledge and experience to inspire you to build the house of your dreams.